Hosting your stakepool JSON using Github pages....correctly [./]

 Without this set up properly, you won't be registered on sites like adapools or be seen in Daedalus (aka no one can stake with your pool)

In my case, I followed a really great tutorial created by Phoenix Pool who in turn learned from Garden Pool but then I managed to screw up the simple task of hosting my .json on Github and had to figure out why 'my pool no show on adapoolz :('

Lil background:

IOHK uses a server called SMASH to authenticate all our pools on the network using our .json files hosted wherever. When the server cannot access or read this file for some reason, while your registration with cntools may have gone smoothly and you're seen as [registered] on the network, you're basically registered, but invisible.

So to me, hosting the .json properly is probably the most important step in pool creation, as benign as it seems. So, on to the good part!....doing it properly. Also, it's free on Github and actually quite easy :)

  1. Create a Github account
  2. Create a repository 
  3. Go to Settings>>Github Pages>> Turn on
  4. You will see your site is published at https://[your account][your repo]/
  5. in your Repository: Add a file>>Create new file>>paste in your pool metadata>>save as a .json file (almost done)
  6. Your .json address for your pool registration is simply:
  • https://[your account][your repo]/[name.json] 
  • Click on the menu for your .json file, click 'copy permalink', which looks like this:[account name]/[repository]/blob/30ac78f0928ec8aa658036ae6ff5e29b35378ers/node.json
  • Then go to and shorten the above to now look like something like this:
  • And use the above as your .json link for your pool, because if you use the above (as I did), your node will be invisible for a day, until you search the forums, and find this command:
curl[your pool registration hash]
  • Then SMASH server will politely tell you that there was an error and the path exceeded 512bytes, or some such thing....
  • Then maybe you will troll the interwebs looking for a solution, and happen across Contractor Pool's blog :). and fix it.

NB. for your repo and branch, better to not use long names, the character limit for your .json address in SMASH is 64char, so don't waste the space with long directory names.
NBB. ./ is NOT an actual command, it's just my lame sense of humor.


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